1. On the occasion of his historic state visit to Indonesia, President Barack Obama and President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono held talks today in Jakarta where they officially inaugurated the Comprehensive Partnership between the Republic of Indonesia and the United States of America.  Through this partnership, the two Presidents are opening a new era of bilateral relations between Indonesia and the United States for the long-term, based on mutual respect, common interests, and shared values.
  2. President Yudhoyono welcomed the United States’ leadership role in promoting multilateral diplomacy, promoting peace, addressing the threat of climate change, and expanding engagement in Southeast Asia.  President Obama reaffirmed America’s admiration for Indonesia’s extraordinary democratic transformation and broad-based reforms, the success of which are critical both to the region and to the United States.  He also reiterated the United States’ support for Indonesia’s national unity and territorial integrity, and respect for Indonesia’s independent and active foreign policy.
  3. The leaders welcomed the steady improvement in bilateral relations in recent years, but agreed it was timely and appropriate to elevate this strategic relationship to a higher level.  The two Presidents share a vision of a relationship that must become deep, enduring, and forward-looking, while focusing on addressing the challenges of the 21st Century.
  4. The spirit behind this new partnership is a shared desire to increase consultation and cooperation, reflecting warmer ties, significant shared interests, and a belief that partnership is critical not only to the bilateral relationship, but to addressing key regional and global challenges. The partnership is founded on the shared values of freedom, pluralism, tolerance, democracy and respect for human rights.  It will be a dynamic 21st century partnership with a forward-looking agenda to advance the cooperation of both countries on a wide-range of issues: education, environment, security, science and technology, trade and investment, democracy, human rights, health, energy, food, entrepreneurship, and more.
  5. As leaders of the world’s second and third largest democracies, President Obama and President Yudhoyono are committed to building a democratic partnership that will promote  peace, freedom, prosperity, rule of law, and tolerance in the region and around the world.  In part, this will be accomplished by establishing bridges of dialogue, cooperation and mutual understanding within the international community, and between people and cultures of different religions and faiths.  They will also seek to build even stronger relations and increased cooperation between the governments, civil societies, and people of the United States and Indonesia.
  6. As leaders of two of the world’s largest economies, President Yudhoyono and President Obama expressed confidence in the progress of Indonesia’s economic reforms and the economic recovery in the United States, which create a strong foundation for expanded trade and investment in both directions.  On trade, they recognized the importance of keeping markets open, as well as facilitation and capacity building programs to increase trade flows including  creating and realizing opportunities for small businesses and entrepreneurs.  In this regard, the leaders welcomed the creation of the Global Entrepreneurship Program in Indonesia.  On investment, they resolved to promote investment flows by supporting efforts of Indonesia to improve its investment climate, and further build its infrastructure.  They identified the recently signed Investment Support Agreement under the Overseas Private Investment Corporation and the United States Millennium Challenge Account as concrete vehicles to promote this goal.
  7. The two leaders seek an enduring Partnership that transcends official exchanges and fully leverages the extraordinary talents of our strongest asset, the Indonesian and American people.  The Comprehensive Partnership will thus have at its core strong people to people relations.-and dynamic collaboration with non-governmental groups.  In this regard, the two leaders are pleased to welcome the formation of the U.S. – Indonesia Council for Higher Education Partnership, which seeks to harness the energies of the non-governmental, public, and private sectors in both countries in support of expanding bilateral programs in higher education including to help build Indonesia’ s capacity to provide world class university education and to double within five years the number of American and Indonesian students who study in each other’s country.  The leaders encouraged the formation of additional public-private partnerships to help address other complex challenges such as climate change.
  8. President Yudhoyono welcomed President Obama’s decision to join the East Asia Summit, which further integrates the United States into the evolving institutional architecture of the Asia-Pacific region and opens a new channel for expanding multilateral cooperation.  They agreed to energetically harness the new Partnership so that it will contribute to the continued progress and prosperity of both countries, while also serving as an important pillar for growing U.S. – ASEAN cooperation, and for advancing regional peace and prosperity.  They also agreed to continue to work closely together in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum to strengthen and deepen regional economic integration by addressing barriers to trade and investment.
  9. The two leaders also committed to work together to strengthen the G-20 as the premier forum for the world economy, and to work towards progress of the Doha Round.  President Obama welcomed Indonesia’s co-chairmanship of the G20’s anti-corruption working group.  The two leaders further pledged to support international efforts to reach the Millennium Development Goals, attain a world free from nuclear weapons, and promote UN reforms.  They reaffirmed their strong commitment to combat climate change, including finding creative ways to support the new Norway – Indonesia REDD+ partnership, and agreed to enhance overall cooperation in this area.
  10. Both leaders pledged to maintain close contacts and consultation.  In this regard, the two Presidents welcomed the establishment of the Joint Commission Meeting and a dynamic Plan of Action under the Comprehensive Partnership, both of which will help ensure that the partnership produces tangible results and continues to strengthen in the future.