WASHINGTON – Today, President Barack Obama announced his appointment of the following individual to a key Administration post:

  • N. Gunter Guy, Jr., State Representative, Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force

The Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force was established by an Executive Order signed by the President on October 5, 2010.  EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson was selected to chair the Task Force.  Each of the five Gulf State governors was asked to recommend an appointment to the panel.  Today’s announcement names the last remaining appointment to the task force.  Mimi A. Drew of Florida, Garret Graves of Louisiana, Jerry Patterson of Texas, and Alice T. Perry of Mississippi already have been appointed as State Representatives of the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force. 

The task force’s mission is to coordinate efforts to implement restoration programs and projects in the Gulf Coast region.  It also will coordinate with the Department of Health and Human Services on public health issues and with other federal agencies on ways to enhance the economic benefits that ecosystem restoration will bring to the region.

President Obama announced his appointment of the following individual to a key Administration post:

N. Gunter Guy, Jr., Appointee for State Representative, Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force

N. Gunter Guy, Jr. is the Commissioner of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. As Commissioner, he advises the Governor and Legislature on management of freshwater fish, wildlife, marine resources, waterway safety, state lands, state parks, and other natural resources. Prior to his appointment, Mr. Guy worked at the law firm of Ball, Ball, Matthews and Novak, PA in Montgomery, Alabama, where he was engaged in a governmental entity and general civil and insurance defense litigation practice. From 1983 to 1999, Mr. Guy also served as the City Attorney for the City of Montgomery, Alabama. Mr. Guy holds a BS degree from Auburn University and a JD degree from Cumberland School of Law at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama.