The United States strongly condemns the aerial bombardment by the Sudan Armed Forces of the town of Yida in South Sudan.  Yida is located inside South Sudan and hosts more than 20,000 refugees who have fled the ongoing conflict in the Sudanese state of Southern Kordofan.  International humanitarian workers and United Nations staff have been working to provide food and shelter for these refugees.  This bombing of civilians and humanitarian workers is an outrageous act, and those responsible must be held accountable for their actions.  

This abhorrent attack follows other aerial bombardments undertaken by the Sudan Armed Forces on November 8 near the international border. These provocative aerial bombardments greatly increase the potential for direct confrontation between Sudan and South Sudan.

The United States demands the Government of Sudan halt aerial bombardments immediately.  We urge the Government of South Sudan to exercise restraint in responding to this provocation to prevent further escalation of hostilities.

The United States calls on the Government of Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North to immediately resume negotiations on a cessation of hostilities and resume political talks toward political and security arrangements for Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile.