Obama Administration Sends Congress the Consolidating and Reforming Government Act of 2012

WASHINGTON, DC – This afternoon, the Obama Administration sent Congress the Consolidating and Reforming Government Act of 2012, which would reinstate the authority Presidents held for decades to reorganize and consolidate the Federal government.  To guarantee that government reorganization will always result in a more efficient government, the President’s proposal adds a new requirement that any reorganization plan must save money or reduce the size of government.  As President Obama first announced last month, the Administration’s proposal would allow the President to put forward, for expedited consideration by Congress, plans to consolidate and reform the Federal government for the 21st century, making it leaner, smarter and more consumer friendly.

President Obama said, “To support an economy that’s built to last, we need a government that’s built for the 21st Century. We cannot allow redundant bureaucracy and unnecessary red tape to stand in the way of creating good jobs here at home, providing critical services for America’s families, and exporting America’s goods and services around the world. That’s why today I am calling on Congress to join me in reforming our government by passing the Consolidating and Reforming Government Act.” 

In January, the President announced that, if Congress reinstates the authority to reorganize government, his first action would be to make it easier for America’s job creators to access the services they need to grow and export. The President laid out a plan to bring together six agencies focused on business and trade and a handful of other related programs into a single more efficient and effective department with a laser-like focus on promoting American business and competitiveness, while saving taxpayers $3 billion dollars.

If Congress passes legislation providing consolidation authority, the Administration will continue to engage with America’s business owners, lawmakers, agencies and other stakeholders to develop a detailed reorganization proposal that will makes it easier for America’s businesses to succeed and provides a better value for taxpayers. The Administration will also develop additional proposals to make programs more effective and eliminate duplication, overlap and excess overhead in other areas across the government, improving services for America’s families and businesses and saving billions more in taxpayer dollars.

Read the legislation HERE.