Below is a list of expected attendees at tonight’s State Dinner. Additional details about the State Dinner are available HERE.




Mr. Gerald Acker, Huntington Woods, MI

            Mrs. Caryn Acker                                                                           

Mr. David Adjaye, New York, NY

            Ms. Ashley Jasmine Shaw-Scott                                                       

Mr. Mark Alderman, Bryn Mawr, PA

            Mrs. Sue Ellen Alderman                          

General John Allen, Fort Belvoir, VA

            Mrs. Katherine Allen                                  

The Honorable Brooke Anderson, Deputy Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff, National Security Council

            Mr. James Salter                              

Dr. Jean-Phillipe Austin, Miami, FL

            Mrs. Maggie Austin                        

Mr. Alejandro Baez, Director for NATO and Western European Affairs, National Security Council

            Mrs. Linda Ann Baez                                     

Mr. Lionel Barber, Editor, Financial Times, Washington, DC

            Ms. Victoria Greenwood                           

Mr. Philip Barton, London, England 

               Ms. Amanda Barton

The Honorable Matthew Barzun, Louisville, KY

            Mrs. Brooke Barzun                                       

Mr. Tom Bernstein, New York, NY

            Mrs. Andrea Bernstein

The Honorable John Berry, Director, Office of Personnel Management

            Mr. Curtis Yee                                 

Ms. Gabby Bertin, Press Secretary to Prime Minister Cameron

Mr. Hunter Biden, Washington, DC

            Mrs. Kathleen Biden                                   

The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Vice President of the United States

            Dr. Jill Biden                        

The Honorable Rebecca Blank, Acting Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of Commerce

            Mr. Hanns Kuttner                          

The Honorable Antony Blinken, Deputy Assistant to the President and National Security Advisor, Office of the Vice President

Ms. Evan Ryan, Assistant to the Vice President and Special Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement                             

Mr. John Robinson Block, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Pittsburgh, PA

            Ms. Susan Jones-Block                               

Mr. Neil G. Bluhm, Chicago, IL

            Ms. Leslie Bluhm                              

Mr. David Bohnett, Beverly Hills, CA

            Ms. Deborah Borda                         

Mr. Hugh Bonneville, London, England

            Mrs. LuLu Williams                                   

Sir Richard Branson, London, England

The Honorable John Brennan, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, National Security Council

            Mrs. Katherine Brennan                             

Mr. Wally Brewster, Jr., Chicago, IL

            Mr. Robert Satawake                                  

Mrs. Leilani Brown, Westbury, NY

            Mr. Stanton Brown                          

Mrs. Elaine Brye, Winona, OH, Mrs. Brye wrote a letter to Mrs. Obama about being a mother of four children who serve in the military. Mrs. Obama and Dr. Biden’s initiative, Joining Forces, focuses on supporting members of the military and their families.

            Mr. Courtney William Brye                                  

The Honorable John Bryson, Secretary of Commerce

The Honorable April Susanna Boyd, Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs, U.S. Department of Commerce                            

Ms. Susan Buffett, Omaha, NE

            Mr. David Lane                               

Mr. Warren Buffett, Omaha, NE

            Mrs. Astrid M. Buffett                                

The Honorable William J Burns, Deputy Secretary of State, U.S. Department of State

            Ms. Lisa Carty

Mr. Jonathan Capehart, The Washington Post, Washington, DC

            Mr. Nicholas Schmit IV                              

The Honorable Jay Carney, Press Secretary

            Ms. Claire Shipman, Senior National Correspondent, ABC                            

Mr. John Casson, Foreign Policy Advisor to the Prime Minister

Ms. Cindy Chang, Senior Policy Advisor to the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, National Security Council

            Mr. Marvin D Nicholson, Special Advisor to the President and Trip Director                                                                    

The Honorable Mark Bradley Childress, Assistant to the President, Deputy Chief of Staff for Planning

            Mrs. Katherine Childress                           

The Honorable Steven Chu, Secretary of the Department of Energy

Dr. Arun Majumdar, Director, Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy, U.S. Department of Energy        

The Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State

Mr. George Clooney, Los Angeles, CA

Mr. Bradford Collins, Langhorne, PA

            Ms. Barbara Walsh                          

Mr. Garrett Copeland, Wilmington, DE

            Mrs. Tatiana Copeland                              

Mr. Jim Crown, Chicago, IL

            Mrs. Paula Hannaway Crown                               

Mr. John Crumpler, Durham, NC

            Mrs. Lou Crumpler                                    

Sir Kim Darroch, National Security Advisor, United Kingdom Government

Mr. Benjamin Deardorf, Teacher, Lancaster, PA

            Mrs. Amy Deardorf, Teacher                                

Ms. Sarah Degrandpre, DC Program Director, Youth Service Opportunities Project, Washington, DC

            Mr. Paul Shinkman                         

The Honorable Nancy Ann Min DeParle, Deputy Chief of Staff

            Mr. Jason P. DeParle                                   

Mrs. Meredith DeWitt, Harvard, MA

            Mr. Terry DeWitt                            

The Honorable John Dingell, United States Representative

            Mrs. Deborah Dingell                                 

The Honorable Thomas Donilon, Assistant to the President, National Security Advisor

Ms. Cathy Russell, Deputy Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff to Dr. Jill Biden                         

Mr. Oliver Dowden, Political Adviser to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Mr. Ted Dwane, Mumford and Sons

            Ms. Isabel Soden                             

Mr. Joe Echevarria, New York, NY

            Mrs. AnnaMaria Echevarria, Miami, FL                               

Mr. Idris Elba, Beverly Hills, CA

Mr. Fred Eychaner, Chicago, IL

Mr. Joseph Falk, Miami, FL

            Mr. Mark Scott                                 

Ms. Catherine Fall, Deputy Chief of Staff to the Prime Minister 

The Honorable Jon Favreau, Assistant to the President and Director of Speechwriting

            Ms. Nikki Buffa, Deputy Director of Cabinet Affairs                                   

Mr. Rajiv Kumar Fernando, Chicago, IL

            Ms. Jennifer Lynn Pelaez, New York, New York                      

Mr. John Frank, Vice President and Deputy General Counsel, Microsoft, Bellevue, WA

            Ms. Delia Jampel                             

Mr. William Freeman, Nashville, TN

            Mrs. Babs Freeman                         

Mr. Lou Frillman, Seattle, WA

            Mrs. Carol Frillman                                    

The Honorable Michael B.G. Froman, Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Affairs

            Ms. Nancy Goodman                                 

Mr. Anthony Gardner, Washington, DC

            Mrs. Alejandra Gardner                             

The Honorable Timothy F. Geithner, Secretary of the Treasury

Mr. William Gelling, Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, United Kingdom Government

Mr. Stephen Gilbert, Political Secretary to Prime Minister Cameron

Mr. Timothy E. Gill, Denver, CO

            Mr. Scott C. Miller                           

The Honorable Philip H. Gordon, Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, U.S. Department of State

            Mrs. Rachel Gordon                                   

Mr. Chad Griffin, Los Angeles, CA

            Mr. Jerome Fallon                           

The Honorable Marc Grossman, Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan

            Ms. Mildred Patterson                               

Dr. Amy Gutmann, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

            Dr. Michael Gutmann                                 

The Right Honorable William Hague, M.P., Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, United Kingdom Government

The Honorable Kamala Harris, Attorney General, State of California

            Ms. Maya Harris                             

Mr. Rupert Harrison, Special Advisor to the Chancellor, United Kingdom Government

Mr. Samuel Heins, Wayzata, MN

            Ms. Stacey Mills                                

The Honorable Heather A. Higginbottom, Deputy Director, Office of Management and Budget

Mr. Daniel Alejandro Sepulveda, Assistant Secretary for Congressional Affairs, U.S. Trade Representative                                

Mr. Steve Hilton, Policy Director to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Mr. Don Hinkle, Tallahassee, FL

            Ms. Mimi Graham                           

Mr. Gary Hirshberg, Concord, NH

            Mrs. Margaret Hirshberg, Manchester, NH                                

The Honorable Nancy D. Hogan,  Assistant to the President and Director of Presidential Personnel

            Mr. Peter T. Gage                            

The Honorable Eric Holder, United States Attorney General, Department of Justice

            Dr. Sharon Malone                          

Dr. John P. Holdren, Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy

Ms. April Holmes, Paralympian, Kissimmee, FL

            Ms. Estee Portnoy, Bethesda, MA                        

Ms. Gwen Ifill, PBS, Arlington, VA

            Mr. Wendell Pierce, Pasadena, CA                                  

Sir Jony Ive, Senior Vice President, Apple, Inc.

Mr. Tony James, New York, NY

            Mrs. Amabel Boyce James                         

The Honorable Valerie Jarrett, Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor

The Honorable Martha Johnson, Administrator of the U.S. General Services, Annapolis, MD

            Mr. Steve Johnson                           

Mr. Barry Karas, Los Angeles, CA

            Mr. Bruce Green                              

The Honorable Ted Kaufman, former United States Senator

            Mrs. Lynne Kaufman                                 

Ms. Katty Kay, BBC World News America, Washington, DC

            Mr. Thomas Richard Carver                                  

Mrs. Janet Keller, Laguna Beach, CA

            Mr. Bernard Earl Schneider                                   

The Honorable Patrick F. Kennedy, Under Secretary for Management, U.S. Department of State

            Ms. Elizabeth Swope                                  

The Honorable John Kerry, United States Senator

            Ms. Teresa Heinz Kerry                             

The Honorable Bradley Kiley, Office of Management and Administration

            Mr. James M Coley, Jr.                               

Mr. Charlie Kireker, Weybridge, VT

            Mrs. Marie Kireker                         

The Honorable Edward Koch, New York, NY

            Ms. Diane Mulcahy                        

Mr. Orin Kramer, New York, NY

            Ms. Kerry Kennedy, Mt. Kisco, NY                                 

The Honorable Alan Krueger, Chair, Council of Economic Advisors, Washington, DC

            Mrs. Lisa Krueger, Princeton, NJ                         

Mr. Eric Lander, President and Director, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA

            Mrs. Lori Lander                             

Mr. James Lassiter, Los Angeles, CA

            Mrs. Mai Lassiter                            

Ms. Debra Lee, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, BET Networks, Washington, DC

            Mr. Londell McMillan, New York, NY                           

Mr. John Legend, Los Angeles, CA

            Ms. Christine Teigen                                  

Mrs. Suzi Levine, Seattle, WA

            Mr. Eric Levine                                

The Honorable Jacob Lew, Chief of Staff

            Dr. Ruth Schwartz                           

Mr. Chuck Lewis, Evanston, IL

            Ms. Penny Sebring                          

Ms. Denise Rosemarie Lewis, Olympian, Buckinghamshire, England 

Mr. Damian Lewis, London, England

            Ms. Helen McCrory                                    

Mr. Joe Liemandt, Austin, TX

            Mrs. Andra Liemandt                                 

Mr. Ed David Llewellyn, Chief of Staff to the Prime Minister

Mr. Ben Lovett, Mumford and Sons

            Ms. Jemima Janey                              

The Honorable Chris Lu, Assistant to the President and Cabinet Secretary

            Ms. Katie Thomson                        

Mr. Jonathan Luff, Senior Advisor to Prime Minister Cameron, London, England 

The Honorable Richard Lugar, United States Senator

            Mrs. Charlene Lugar                                  

General Douglas Lute, Special Assistant to the President and Coordinator for Afghanistan and Pakistan, National Security Council

The Honorable Jane Lute, Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of Homeland Security                                       

Mr. James MacGilvray, West Islip, NY

            Mrs. Janet MacGilvray                               

Mr. Laurence Mann, Political Private Secretary to Prime Minister Cameron

The Honorable Capricia Penavic Marshall, United States Chief of Protocol

            Dr. Robert Marshall                                    

Mr. Winston Marshall, Mumford and Sons

            Ms. Susan Cooney                          

The Honorable Alyssa Mastromonaco, Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations

The Honorable Danielle Crutchfield, Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Scheduling and Advance                        

Mr. Terry McAuliffe, McLean, VA

            Mrs. Dorothy McAuliffe                            

The Honorable Claire McCaskill, United States Senator

            Mr. Joseph Shepard                                    

The Honorable Denis McDonough, Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor

            Mrs. Karin McDonough                             

Ms. Elizabeth Lee McGovern, London, England

            Mr. Simon Adam Curtis                             

Mr. Rory McIlroy, Professional Golfer, Dublin, Ireland

            Mr. Conor Ridge                                 

The Honorable Tony Miller, Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of Education

            Mrs. Carole Miller                          

Mr. Marcus Mumford, Mumford and Sons

            Ms. Carey Mulligan                             

The Honorable Cecilia Munoz, Assistant to the President and Director, Domestic Policy Council

            Mr. Amit A. Pandya                                    

Mr. James Murray, Keene, VA

            Mrs. Bruce Randolph Murray                               

The Honorable Janet Napolitano, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security

            Dr. Leonard Napolitano                            

Mr. Martin Hughes Nesbitt, Chicago, IL

            Ms. Anita Kay Blanchard                           

Ms. Susan Ness, Bethesda, MD

            Mr. Lawrence Schneider                            

The Honorable Thomas R. Nides, Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, Department of State

            Ms. Virginia Moseley, Senior Producer, ABC                            

Mr. Craig Stewart Oliver, Director of Communications, United Kingdom Government

The Honorable Martin O’Malley, Governor, State of Maryland

            The Honorable Katie O’Malley                                

Mr. George Gideon Osborne, M.P., Chancellor of the Exchequer, United Kingdom Government

The Honorable Maria Otero, Undersecretary for Civilian Security, Democracy and Human Rights, U.S. Department of State

            Mr. Joe Eldridge                              

Mr. Michael Monroe Parham, Seattle, WA

            Ms. Hyeok Kim                               

Mrs. Carol Pensky, Washington, DC

            Mr. David Pensky                               

Mr. Dana Matthew Perlman, Los Angeles, CA

            Mr. Hugh Kinsellagh                                 

The Honorable Thomas John Perrelli, Associate Attorney General, Department of Justice

            Ms. Kristine Joy Lucius                              

Sergeant First Class Leroy Petry, Medal of Honor Recipient

            Mrs. Ashley Petry                           

The Honorable Dan Pfeiffer, Assistant to the President and Director of Communications

The Honorable David Plouffe, Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor

            Ms. Olivia Morgan                         

Mr. John Prendergast, Washington, DC 

Mr. Mike Ramos, Chapel Hill, NC

            Mrs. Joelle Ramos                                       

The Honorable Ben Rhodes,

Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communication and Speechwriting, National Security Council, National Security Council

            Ms. Ann Norris                                    

The Honorable Susan Rice, United States Ambassador to the United Nations

            Mr. Ian Cameron                             

Mrs. Ellen Richman, Greenwich, CT

            Mr. Richard Richman                                 

Mr. Ivan Rogers, Adviser on Europe and Global Issues to Prime Minister Cameron

Lady Ruth Rogers, London, England

            Mr. Roo Rogers                                          

Mrs. Ginni Rometty, Armonk, NY

            Mr. Mark Rometty, Bonita Spring, FL                             

Mr. Charlie Rose, Jr., Host, Executive Editor and Executive Producer, PBS, New York, NY

            Ms. Amanda Burden                                           

Ms. Hilary Rosen, Washington, DC

            Mr. John Kelly, Kirkland, WA                              

Mr. Simon Rosenberg, President and Founder, New Democratic Network, Washington, DC

            Ms. Caitlin Durkovich                                

Dr. Robert Rosenwasser, Chairman of Neurosurgery, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Villanova, PA

            Dr. Deborah August                                   

The Honorable Pete Rouse, Senior Advisor

Ms. Courtney M. Chapin, White House Liaison, National Endowment for the Humanities                                 

Mrs. Virginia Rustique-Petteni, Washington, DC

Mr. Nick Booth, CEO, The Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry and the Duchess of Cambridge, London, England                              

The Honorable Kenneth Salazar, Secretary of the Interior

            The Honorable David Hayes, Deputy Secretary of the Interior                                  

The Honorable Antonin Scalia, Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court

            Mrs. Maureen M. Scalia                             

The Honorable Charles Schumer, United States Senator

            Ms. Iris Weinshall                           

Mr. John Scully, San Francisco, CA

            Mrs. Regina Scully                          

The Honorable Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services

            Mr. Ned Sebelius                            

The Honorable Rajiv J. Shah, Administrator, US Agency for International Development

            Mrs. Shivam Mallick Shah                                          

Ms. Diana Shaw Clark, Washington, DC

            Mr. Simon Clark                              

Mr. Jeff Shell, Chairman, NBCUniversal International, London, England

            Mrs. Laura Shell                                

The Honorable Wendy Sherman, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Department of State

            Mr. Bruce Stokes                                           

Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for European Affairs, National Security Council

            Dr. Jeffrey Randall                                     

The Honorable Mark Leonard Shurtleff, Attorney General, State of Utah

            Mrs. M’Liss Shurtleff                                     

Ms. Marva Smalls, Executive Vice President of Public Affairs, Chief of Staff for Nickelodeon/MTVN Kids and Family Group, New York, NY

            Mr. Francisco Lopes Borges, Farmington, CT                                            

Mr. Jay Snyder, New York, NY

            Mrs. Tracy Snyder                           

The Honorable Hilda Solis, Secretary of Labor

            Ms. Rebecca Zapanta                                 

Ms. Isabel Spearman, Chief of Staff to Mrs. Samantha Cameron

The Honorable Gene Sperling, Director, National Economic Council Director

            Ms. Allison Abner                            

Mr. Andrew Sullivan, The Newsweek/Daily Beast Company, Washington, DC

            Mr. Aaron Tone                                 

Ambassador Louis Susman, United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom

            Mrs. Marjorie Susman                                         

Ms. Sally Susman

            Ms. Robin Canter                            

Mr. Paul Tash, Chairman and CEO, Times Publishing Company, St. Petersburg, FL

            Mrs. Karyn Tash                              

Mr. Stuart Taylor II, Chicago, IL

            Mrs. Evonne Taylor                                    

The Honorable Tina Tchen, Chief of Staff, Office of the First Lady

Ms. Gillian Tett, U.S. Managing Editor, Financial Times, New York, NY

            Richard Philip McGregor, Washington, DC                               

Mr. John W. Thompson, Woodside, CA

            Mrs. Sandi Thompson                                

Mr. George Tsunis, Cold Spring Harbor, NY

            Mrs. Olga Tsunis                            

Mr. Adam Tudhope, Washington, DC

Mr. James Turley, Scarsdale, NY

            Mrs. Lynne Turley                                

Mrs. Deborah Wais, Chicago, IL

            Mr. Marshall Wais                            

Ms. Randi Weingarten, President, American Federation of Teachers, East Hampton, NY 

            Ms. Louise Anne Rogers, Washington, DC                                

Mr. Harvey Weinstein, New York, NY

            Ms. Georgina Chapman, Washington, DC                                  

Sir Peter Westmacott, British Ambassador to the United States

            Lady Susan Nemazee Westmacott                                      

Dr. Eric E. Whitaker, Chicago, IL

            Dr. Cheryl Whitaker                                     

Mr. Simon Wilson, Chevy Chase, MD

            Mrs. Irmgard Wilson, Washington, DC                           

Admiral James A. Winnefeld, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

            Mrs. Mary A. Winnefeld                             

Ms. Anna Wintour, Editor-in-Chief, Vogue Magazine, New York, NY

            Mr. Shelby Bryan                            

Mr. Richard Wolffe, Washington, DC

            Dr. Paula Cuello                             

The Honorable Neal Wolin, Deputy Secretary, Department of Treasury

            Ms. Nicole Elkon                                    

Mr. Jeffrey D. Zients, Acting Director, Office of Management and Budget

            Mrs. Mary M. Zients                                   

