The United States congratulates the Government of Uganda on the capture of one of the senior commanders of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) by the Ugandan military.  The capture of Maj. Gen. Ceasar Acellam is a testament to the resolve of Uganda and its military forces to work with regional forces to end the threat posed by the LRA.

Ugandan and other regional forces continue to pursue the LRA and keep its leadership on the run.  The United States joins regional governments and the African Union in calling on abductees and remaining members of the LRA to depart the ranks of the LRA and peacefully surrender.  Support is available to help those who defect and peacefully surrender to return to their home communities and build a new life.

While the capture of Acellam is an important step forward, the LRA continues to pose a deadly threat to civilians.  The United States is committed to supporting the people and governments of the region in their collective efforts, in coordination with the African Union and United Nations, to protect civilians and end this threat.  A small number of U.S. military advisors continue to assist Uganda and other regional forces pursuing the LRA and seeking to protect local populations.  As President Obama has said, “it is part of our regional strategy to end the scourge that is the LRA, and help realize a future where no African child is stolen from their family and no girl is raped and no boy is turned into a child soldier.”