The United States congratulates Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud on winning the support of Parliament and becoming Somalia’s new president, and the Somali people for completing this momentous political transition.  Today’s vote represents an important milestone for the people of Somalia, and a crucial step forward along the path of building a representative government.

With leadership comes tremendous responsibility.  The United States calls on Somalia’s leaders to usher in a new era of governance that is responsive, representative, and accountable.  We encourage President Hassan and all members of Parliament to be inclusive and collaborative, and to build on today’s vote by continuing to strengthen democratic institutions, improving stability and security, and bringing tangible improvements to the lives of Somalia’s citizens.

The United States stands with the people of Somalia during this historic moment, and will continue to be a committed partner moving forward.  Today’s achievement would not have been possible without the contributions of the African Union, United Nations, Intergovernmental Authority on Development, and regional stakeholders.   While today’s vote marks the end of the transition period, much work remains to be done.  The United States calls on the international community to reaffirm its commitment to Somalia, and to help realize a more secure and prosperous future for the Somali people.