This afternoon, President Obama called Yemeni President Hadi to discuss the assault on the U.S. Embassy in Sana’a and express concern about the security of American personnel and diplomatic facilities in Yemen.  President Obama thanked President Hadi for his swift condemnation of today’s violence, and welcomed the announcement that an investigation into the incident is already underway.  President Obama expressed appreciation for the cooperation we have received from the Yemeni government and underscored the importance of working together to ensure the security of U.S. personnel going forward.  President Hadi committed to doing everything possible to protect American citizens in Yemen, and said he had deployed additional security forces around the U.S. Embassy.  President Obama reiterated his rejection of any efforts to denigrate Islam, and emphasized that there is never any justification for the violence we are seeing.  President Obama concluded the call by expressing his appreciation for the strong partnership between our two nations and reaffirming our commitment to supporting the Yemeni government and people during their historic transition.