President Obama spoke with Egyptian President Morsy today to reaffirm the United States’ strong commitment to the Egyptian people as they continue their transition to democracy.  The President welcomed President Morsy’s commitment to serving as a President for all Egyptians, including women and people of all faiths, and emphasized President Morsy’s responsibility to protect the democratic principles that the Egyptian people fought so hard to secure.  President Obama encouraged President Morsy, and all political groups within Egypt, to work to build consensus and advance the political transition.  The two leaders also discussed Egypt’s economic situation and the importance of implementing reforms that have broad support and will promote long term growth.  The two Presidents discussed regional security, and President Obama welcomed Egypt’s continued role in advancing regional peace and maintaining the ceasefire in Gaza.  The President noted that Secretary Kerry will be traveling on March 2 to Egypt, where he will meet with government and opposition leaders and members of civil society, and will emphasize the need for all Egyptians to work together to build their democracy and promote economic stability and prosperity.