Vice President Biden spoke yesterday with Haitian President Michel Martelly, continuing their dialogue at the recent meeting of Caribbean leaders in Trinidad and Tobago and furthering the enduring relationship between the United States and Haiti. The Vice President reiterated the United States’ continued long-term support for Haiti’s reconstruction and development as well as its democratic progress. The Vice President commended President Martelly for his leadership in addressing Haiti’s many challenges and encouraged his continued efforts to pursue economic and social development through a Haitian-led approach.  They discussed progress and challenges in key areas of mutual interest, including infrastructure development, police and security issues, strengthening the capacity of Haitian Government institutions, and promoting transparency and human rights. Vice President Biden commended Haiti on the successful and peaceful election that brought President Martelly to power and encouraged President Martelly to hold senatorial and local elections this year.  The Vice President underscored the importance of elections in solidifying Haiti’s democratic foundation.  Vice President Biden reaffirmed that the United States is a committed friend and partner of Haiti and noted that he looks forward to deepening our cooperation to help Haiti build a more prosperous and secure country for its people.