Today the President convened a meeting in the White House Situation Room to receive an update from his team on the U.S. Government’s efforts to support security for the Olympic Games in Sochi.  The United States has offered its full support and cooperation to Russian authorities, which are responsible for the Games.  The President was briefed on the security environment, our cooperation with Russian authorities, and on the full range of U.S. Government support for our athletes, delegation, and Americans attending the Olympics.  He was assured by his team that they are taking all appropriate steps regarding the safety of Americans.  He directed them to continue to work closely with the Russian Government and other partners toward a secure and successful Sochi games, and to review carefully and act on any new information that might affect the security of the Games.

The President was joined by Vice President Biden, National Security Advisor Rice, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Monaco, Director of National Intelligence Clapper, Director of Central Intelligence Brennan, National Counterterrorism Center Director Olsen, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Comey, Secretary of State Kerry, Secretary of Defense Hagel, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Dempsey, Secretary of Homeland Security Johnson, Deputy Attorney General Cole and other senior members of the President’s team.