National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice met with President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority today in Ramallah.  On Israeli- Palestinian negotiations, Ambassador Rice underscored that while we have come to a pause in the parties’ talks, the United States believes the only way to achieve lasting peace is through direct negotiations that lead to two viable, independent states living side-by-side in peace and security. As she did in her meetings with Israeli officials, Ambassador Rice emphasized with President Abbas the importance of each side managing the current situation in a way that reduces tensions and preserves space to pursue a two-state solution when both sides are prepared to take the decisions necessary to resume substantive negotiations. 

Ambassador Rice underscored the United States’ strong support for the continued development of Palestinian Authority institutions that deliver effectively for the Palestinian people, as well as the U.S. commitment to support economic development and opportunity for the Palestinian people. Ambassador Rice was also clear about the principles that must guide a Palestinian government in order for it to play a constructive role in achieving peace and building an independent Palestinian state.  She reiterated U.S. policy that any Palestinian government must unambiguously and explicitly commit to nonviolence, recognition of the State of Israel, and acceptance of previous agreements and obligations between the parties.  Ambassador Rice thanked President Abbas for his leadership and his longstanding commitment to these principles and his public statements that any government that is formed will be his government and represent his policies.

Prior to her meeting with President Abbas, Ambassador Rice had an opportunity to meet with Palestinian youth at an event hosted by the U.S. Consulate General to hear their views and underscore U.S. support for young Palestinians working for a more prosperous and hopeful future.