The United States condemns the violent ambush yesterday in northern Mali that killed nine U.N. peacekeepers from Niger. I extend my deepest condolences to the families, friends, and loved ones of those killed, as well as to the people and Government of Niger. This is the latest in a series of brazen attacks on peacekeepers serving in the U.N. mission in Mali (MINUSMA), including those from Chad, that have taken the lives of 30 peacekeepers and wounded 90 more in the 15 months since MINUSMA first deployed. These and other peacekeepers, in Mali and elsewhere around the globe, bravely serve on behalf of the entire international community, helping to restore peace and bring security to civilians. As I said last week at a summit on peacekeeping, the United States strongly supports U.N. peacekeepers, who are deployed worldwide in record numbers to more difficult and dangerous environments than ever before. We are grateful for their contributions to international peace and security, and we honor the sacrifices they have made on behalf of the international community.