Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Lisa Monaco called President Abdo Rabu Mansour Hadi of Yemen today to commend the efforts of the new government and all parties, under the leadership of President Hadi and Prime Minister Bahah, to implement the Peace and National Partnership Agreement, recommendations of the National Dialogue, and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Initiative. Ms. Monaco underscored the United States’ commitment to supporting Yemen’s peaceful political transition process. President Hadi discussed Yemen’s efforts to draft a new constitution, prepare for a referendum on the constitution, and elect a new government under that constitution drawing on a new voter registry. President Hadi and Ms. Monaco emphasized that all of Yemen’s communities have important roles to play in the country’s peace, stability, governance, and security. Ms. Monaco and President Hadi also reaffirmed that enduring partnership between the United States and Yemen to counter the shared threat from al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula.