Vice President Joe Biden spoke today with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi. They discussed ongoing military operations in Iraq, including in Anbar and Salah ah Din provinces. The Vice President expressed his support for Prime Minister Abadi’s leadership of Iraq’s fight against ISIL. The Vice President specifically welcomed the Prime Minister’s call from the frontlines for the protection of civilians and the importance of ensuring all armed groups act under control of the state. The Vice President further commended Prime Minister Abadi and other Iraqi leaders for building a national front before launching the ongoing operation near Tikrit. He also noted the Iraqi government’s efforts to enable fighters from Salah ah Din to participate in reclaiming their own territory from ISIL and to ensure displaced populations can return to their homes after ISIL is defeated and local areas are stabilized. The Vice President and Prime Minister each reaffirmed the importance of the strategic partnership between Iraq and the United States in multiple fields under the Strategic Framework Agreement, and agreed to continue our close security cooperation as Iraqi forces increasingly take the fight to ISIL.