President Obama spoke today by phone with President Ashraf Ghani of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to commend the bravery of Afghan National Defense and Security Forces and to underscore that he looked forward to continuing to work closely with President Ghani and the broader Afghan Government to support their efforts to provide security for the Afghan people.  The President expressed his condolences for the Afghan civilians killed and injured when a U.S. military airstrike mistakenly struck a Doctors Without Borders field hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan.  During the call, President Obama expressed regret over the tragic incident and offered his thoughts and prayers on behalf of the American people to the victims of this incident, their families, and loved ones.  President Obama and President Ghani reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening the partnership between the United States and Afghanistan and to continuing their dialogue about ways to deepen diplomatic, economic, and security cooperation to promote a more stable and secure Afghanistan.