President Obama met today in the Oval Office with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan.  President Obama underscored that the United States is committed to a broad, sustainable, and enduring partnership with Pakistan that delivers progress for the Pakistani people and reinforces Pakistan’s democracy and civil society.

During the meeting, the leaders discussed joint efforts to promote public health, including for women and children, and President Obama heralded the Prime Minister’s partnership in a new effort to enable more Pakistani girls to attend school.

The President noted that the Prime Minister and his government are pursuing important reforms to encourage economic growth and stability, and the leaders announced the launch of a new clean energy partnership to help Pakistan meet its energy needs in a sustainable way and combat climate change.  The leaders further affirmed the need for a strong climate agreement in Paris.

President Obama and Prime Minister Sharif noted that both the United States and Pakistan are threatened by terrorist groups, and that the Pakistani people have suffered greatly.  The leaders committed to continue bilateral counterterrorism cooperation, and President Obama highlighted the importance of Pakistan undertaking effective action against terrorists that seek to undermine peaceful dialogue and destabilize the region. President Obama further raised his concern regarding the U.S. nationals held hostage by terrorist groups in the region, and he welcomed the Prime Minister’s offer to assist in every way possible with their safe return.

Regarding Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program, the President stressed the importance of avoiding any developments that might invite increased risk to nuclear safety, security, or strategic stability.  The leaders pledged to continue their strong cooperation on nuclear security, including at the upcoming Nuclear Security Summit.

Finally, President Obama thanked Prime Minister Sharif for his efforts to engage Afghanistan and for supporting talks with the Taliban.  The President stressed that the U.S. commitment to Afghanistan—and the region—endures, and that the United States will continue to work with Pakistan and others to support an Afghan-led reconciliation process, which is the only way to bring lasting stability and peace to Afghanistan and the region.