President Obama, before departing for the G20 Summit, convened his National Security Council to discuss yesterday’s horrific terrorist attacks in Paris. The President’s team briefed him on the latest intelligence surrounding the attacks, and–while noting that there was no specific or credible threat to the United States–reviewed our homeland security posture to ensure we are doing everything necessary to protect the American people. The President received a briefing on the active cooperation with our French counterparts on intelligence sharing and military action against ISIL, and reaffirmed that his team will remain in close contact with their French counterparts to be ready to provide any necessary assistance to French authorities as part of the investigation. The team reviewed the intelligence picture, noting that we had no information to contradict the initial French assessment of ISIL’s responsibility. The President was also briefed on our Embassy security posture in Paris and across Europe, and directed his team to take all appropriate measures to ensure the security of Embassy personnel. The President directed his team to keep him regularly apprised of the investigation and any relevant intelligence.