USO Warrior and Family Center
Fort Belvoir, Virginia

1:49 P.M. EDT
MRS. OBAMA:  You guys look awesome!  What are you doing?  What’s going on?  Are you making hands?  Yes, uh-huh, uh-huh.  Guess what I brought you guys — what do you think is in this basket?  Cookies! 
CHILD:  I want that one!  (Laughter.) 
MRS. OBAMA:  And you know what these cookies are — who are on these cookies?  This is our new puppy.  We have a new puppy at the White House, her name is Sunny.  And the White House pastry chefs made cookies for all of you guys with Sunny and some other fun stuff in here.
But Gary and I are here because we’re so proud of you guys.  Do you realize you guys are heroes?  Do you know that?  We’re so proud of what you do because your parents, your moms and dads and grandparents and cousins and uncles and aunts, whoever is in your family who’s serving — you guys help them help our country.  And we just wanted to shine a light on all of the great work that the USO is doing for military families all over this country.
This is a beautiful facility.  It’s the kind of partnership that represents all that we need to do.  And I know there are mothers back there — you guys — be quiet!  (Laughter.)  I see you.  Let them be.  (Laughter.)  I know, you’re having a fit over there.  (Laughter.)  They can do whatever they want to.  I’m talking to you guys right now.  The kids, we’re going to play with them later.
But we just wanted to shine a light on all the great work that the USO is doing for families like these all over the country.  And I’ve got my friend Gary Sinise here who has done such terrific work for veterans, troops and military families through his foundation, as well as his Lt. Dan Band, which I hear is very good because they play a little bit of everything — they play songs that us old folks recognize, but also the beats that get kids moving.  And you guys are going to be playing tonight at a really cool rock concert that’s going to be out here at Fort Belvoir today.
So you guys are going to have a whole day of fun.  Is that exciting? 
MRS. OBAMA:  All right.  Well, I want to come and help finish the banners, okay?  Can I come and help?  Can Gary and I come and help you guys?
MRS. OBAMA:  All right.  So I’m going to put my cookies down and we’re going to go help, okay? 
1:51 P.M. EDT