Today, President Obama and Vice President Biden convened the first meeting of the White House Cancer Moonshot Task Force. Held in the Vice President’s Ceremonial Office in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, meeting attendees included the heads of relevant executive branch departments, agencies, and offices. A full list of attendees follows.

The Vice President emphasized that it will take a whole-of-government approach to help achieve the goal of the moonshot – to make a decade of advancements in the next five years.

Following opening remarks from the President and Vice President, participants discussed the Moonshot’s principles and pillars and federal efforts that can support the Cancer Moonshot, including updates on federal research and treatment development, data sharing, and technical and computational capabilities.

A photo from today’s Task Force meeting can be found HERE.

Meeting Attendees

Secretary Sylvia Burwell, Department of Health and Human Services

Secretary Ernest Moniz, Department of Energy

Director Shaun Donovan, Office of Management and Budget

Senior Advisor to the President Valerie Jarrett

Deputy Chief of Staff to the President Kristie Canegallo

Chief of Staff to the Vice President Steve Ricchetti

Director John Holdren, Office of Science and Technology Policy

Director Cecilia Munoz, Domestic Policy Council

Director Jeff Zients, National Economic Council

Under Secretary David Shulkin, Department of Veterans Affairs

Under Secretary Michelle Lee, Department of Commerce

Deputy Under Secretary Brad Carson, Department of Defense

Director Francis Collins, National Institutes of Health

Acting Commissioner Stephen Ostroff, Food and Drug Administration

Deputy Commissioner Robert Califf, Food and Drug Administration

Director Douglas Lowy, National Cancer Institute

Director France Córdova, National Science Foundation

Deputy Assistant to the President and Counselor to Vice President Biden Don Graves