President Obama will host NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the White House on April 4, 2016.  The President will reiterate that the United States stands together with NATO in the wake of the horrific terrorist attacks that struck Brussels, Belgium, the site of NATO Headquarters, on March 22.  The President looks forward to discussing with Secretary General Stoltenberg the progress Allies are making in the international effort to degrade and destroy ISIL, as well as the important role NATO is playing in alleviating the refugee and migrant crisis spurred in part by the terrorist group.  The leaders will also discuss preparations for the July 8-9, 2016 NATO Summit in Warsaw, Poland, including Allied efforts to reinforce deterrence in Europe, address instability on Europe’s periphery, and strengthen NATO’s base of capabilities and partnerships. The Secretary General’s visit underscores the importance the United States places on the transatlantic bond that NATO embodies, and on a North Atlantic Alliance whose full adaptation to a changing strategic environment will ensure that the Alliance continues to uphold international order and advance the interests of the United States and all of NATO’s members and partners.