On behalf of a grateful nation, I congratulate General Lloyd Austin on his retirement after nearly 41 years of service to our country.  General Austin’s character and competence exemplify what America demands of its military leaders.  Over the last three years as Commander, U.S. Central Command, General Austin has overseen military operations in one of the most demanding regions of the world, including operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and our broader counter-ISIL campaign.  I have relied on his wise judgement and steadfast leadership to help me navigate the many challenges we find there.  Additionally, as Commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, General Austin was instrumental in allowing Iraqis to take the lead for securing the future of their own country.  These are among his many accomplishments over a storied military career.  I am certain that General Austin will find other ways to serve his country in retirement, and Michelle and I wish him, his wife Charlene, and his family well as they begin another chapter of their lives.