President Obama met tonight with the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan.  Both leaders agreed the April 21 U.S.-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Summit offers an important opportunity for the United States and its Gulf partners to strengthen cooperation against ISIL and also to address regional conflicts.  The President welcomed the cessation of hostilities in Yemen.  He and the Crown Prince agreed on the urgent need for all parties to reach a political settlement of the conflict, which would help deny space for al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula and ISIL to operate in Yemen.  On Libya, the President and Crown Prince agreed on the vital importance of consolidating international support behind the Government of National Accord and of mitigating the actions of potential spoilers. The President and Crown Prince also discussed the challenges posed by Iran’s destabilizing activities in the region, agreeing on the importance of an inclusive approach to de-escalating regional conflicts.

Additionally, the President reiterated the importance of stabilizing areas of Iraq liberated from ISIL.  Noting the deep partnership between both of their countries, the two leaders underscored their determination to strengthen economic, security, and counterterrorism cooperation in pursuit of a shared interest in a peaceful, prosperous, and stable Gulf region.