Tuesday, June 14th

Washington, DC * 5:00PM ET – As part of The White House’s The United State of Women Summit, First Lady Michelle Obama will join Oprah Winfrey for a conversation about Trailblazing the Path for the Next Generation of Women. The conversation will aim to inspire the next generation of women, shedding light on the progress the First Lady and Ms. Winfrey have seen women achieve, and to encourage young women to take action so that progress continues for generations to come. 

The United State of Women Summit will feature a variety of speakers and special guests discussing gender equality issues, economic empowerment, health and wellness, education, violence, entrepreneurship and innovation, leadership, and civic participation. The Summit will serve to rally women together to make a powerful difference in their collective future.

For more information, visit TheUnitedStateOfWomen.org.  


Washington, DC * 7:00PM ET – As part of The White House’s The United State of Women Summit, First Lady Michelle Obama will deliver remarks at The United State of Women Dinner at the U.S. Department of State. The dinner, co-hosted by the State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women will highlight women’s economic empowerment and the government-wide efforts surrounding Let Girls Learn.