The President met today in New York with Premier Li Keqiang of China.  The two leaders agreed to continue efforts to narrow differences and expand practical cooperation on regional and global challenges in order to maintain sound development in the bilateral relationship.  Both leaders condemned North Korea’s September 9 nuclear test and resolved to strengthen coordination in achieving the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, including by invigorating cooperation in the United Nations Security Council and in law enforcement channels on North Korea.  Noting the important contributions of the economic relationship to the broader bilateral relationship and to the global economy, the President and Premier Li discussed China’s transition toward a more sustainable consumption-driven economic growth model.  The President encouraged China to accelerate its continuing efforts to address industrial excess capacity, foster an environment conducive to innovation, and advance an orderly transition to a market-determined exchange rate.  The President also urged China to establish a level playing field for all firms to compete fairly in China.  The two leaders discussed the importance of achieving progress in negotiation of a U.S.-China Bilateral Investment Treaty and of a World Trade Organization Environment Goods Agreement.  On climate issues, both leaders pledged to continue working toward bringing the Paris agreement into force as early as possible and to reach a market-based measure to reduce international aviation emissions.  Both leaders also acknowledged the important role that the United States and China each play in strengthening the international humanitarian system, and the President expressed appreciation for Premier Li’s participation in the President’s Refugee Summit on September 20.