Office of the Press Secretary
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                              June 12, 2009

Statement by President Barack Obama on World Day Against Child labor

Even in this modern era, children around the world are forced to work in deplorable and often dangerous conditions at a time in their lives when they should be in classrooms and playgrounds.  Global child labor perpetuates a cycle of poverty that prevents families and nations from reaching their full potential.  That’s why, earlier this week, Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis reaffirmed my Administration’s commitment to this issue by announcing $60 million to fight child labor.

I also find it fitting that this year’s World Day Against Child Labor focuses on drawing attention to the particular plight young girls face.  Of the 218 million child laborers worldwide, 100 million are girls – more than half of whom are exposed to hazardous work.  That’s unacceptable, and this world cannot allow it.  We must stand united in opposition to child labor and recommit ourselves to ending this practice in all its forms – today and every day.