Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release                                            July  6, 2009
Moscow Summit, July 6-8
At their initial meeting on April 1 in London, Presidents Medvedev and Obama agreed to translate their mutual desire to “reset” U.S.-Russian relations into concrete outcomes that would benefit the American and Russian people. During their July 6-8 meetings in Moscow, the two presidents reached agreement on a number of issues that enhance the security and well-being of both countries:
Follow-On Agreement to START: The Presidents signed a Joint Understanding for a follow-on agreement to START that commits both parties to a legally binding treaty that will reduce nuclear weapons
Joint Statement on Nuclear Security.  The Presidents reiterated their commitment to strengthen cooperation to curb nuclear proliferation and prevent acts of nuclear terrorism. 
A Joint Statement on Cooperation in Afghanistan:  The joint statement outlines concrete areas in which the United States and Russia are committed to working together to bring stability and security in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan:  The Presidents oversaw the signing of an agreement allowing transit of lethal supplies through Russia for our troops in Afghanistan. 
Military-to-Military Cooperation: The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mullen and Russian Chief of the General Staff General Makarov signed a Framework Understanding and a work plan for resuming military-to-military cooperation. 
U.S. – Russia Joint Commission on POW/MIAs : The United States and the Russian Federation reached a common understanding on a framework for the U.S. – Russia Joint Commission on Prisoners of War and Missing in Action (POW/MIAs). 
U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission: The Presidents agreed to create a Bilateral Presidential Commission
to provide better structure to the bilateral relationship.
Memorandum of Understanding on Health. The Presidents agreed to  cooperate in the field of public health and medical science. 