Office of Media Affairs
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                  April 13, 2009
 Tomorrow: President Barack Obama to Give Major Speech on the Economy at Georgetown University
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama will deliver a major speech on the economy Tuesday, April 14th, at Georgetown University.  The speech will take place at 11:30 AM EDT in Gaston Hall.
The President will discuss how each step his administration has taken to confront this economic crisis fits within his broader vision of how we move this economy from recession to recovery and ultimately to prosperity.  He’ll also talk about the significant work that remains to be done to get the economy moving forward once again.
WHAT:                    President Obama to Deliver Major Economic Speech at Georgetown University
WHEN:                    Tuesday, April 14th at 11:30 AM EDT
CREDENTIALS:     The event will be pooled for television and still cameras and open to correspondents. Space is limited. Media interested in covering the remarks, should email by 5pm today to request credentials.