Office of the Vice President
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                   April 21st, 2009

Vice President Biden to Make Recovery Act Announcement on Earth Day
Washington, DC – In observation of Earth Day, Vice President Joe Biden will make a Recovery Act announcement on WEDNESDAY at 9:30 AM EDT at the New Carrollton WMATA (Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority) Station. United States Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) and Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley will join the Vice President at this event.


Location:  New Carrollton WMATA Station WMATA Bus Complex, Building F Carmen Turner Facility Building 3500 Pennsy Drive Landover, MD
Speakers:  Vice President Joseph Biden Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley US Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) Congresswoman Donna Edwards
Press Entrance: Enter WMATA bus complex via Gate 2 Police vehicle will be stationed on Pennsy Drive outside of appropriate gate. Police escort to Parking area. After parking, press should enter Building F at the NW corner entrance.
Satellite Parking: Bus 2 Parking lot, adjacent to Carmen Turner Facility (police escort to parking area from Gate 2 entrance)
Press parking: Bus 2 Parking lot, adjacent to Carmen Turner Facility (police escort to parking area from Gate 2 entrance)
Camera Pre-set:  5:30 AM
Press Arrival:  8:00 AM
Final Press Access: 9:00 AM
Event Begins: 9:30 AM
Cable Run: 500 ft.
Throw:  35 ft.
RSVP:  This event is OPEN PRESS. Media must RSVP with the NAME, POSITION (Reporter, TV Camera, Photog, etc) MEDIA OUTLET, PHONE AND EMAIL for each person planning to cover the event to by 5:00 PM on TUESDAY April 21st. At the event, you will be required to wear your outlets media credential at all times, either around the neck or pinned to clothing.
Ground Contact: Karen Burchard 703-786-2369