At 5:30pm today, the President will meet with the U.S. Combatant Commanders (COCOMs) in the Cabinet Room.  Later this evening, the President and First Lady will host a dinner for the Combatant Commanders and their spouses as well as six wounded warriors representing each branch of service.

The dinner will give the President and First Lady the opportunity to hear directly from our commanders, troops in the field and their spouses about the challenges that our military and military families face on a day-to-day basis.

The President last met with the COCOMs on March 24, 2009 in Washington.

Senior Defense Leadership Expected to Attend:
Admiral Thad and Pamela Allen
General James and Sandee Cartwright
General George and Sheila Casey
General Kevin and Cathy Chilton
General James and Annette Conway
General Douglas and Rena Fraser
The Honorable Robert and Becky Gates
The Honorable William and Mary Lynn
General James Mattis
General Craig and Cheryl McKinley
General Duncan and Linda McNabb
Admiral Michael and Deborah Mullen
Admiral Eric and Marilyn Olson
General David and Holly Petraeus
General Victor and Jill Renuart
Admiral Gary and Ellen Roughead
General Norton and Suzanna Schwartz
General Walter and Joanne Sharp
Admiral James and Laura Stavridis
General William and Joyce Ward
Admiral Robert and Donna Willard