Congresswoman Wilson: Democrats and Republicans Must Come Together to Create Jobs by Passing the American Jobs Act

Proposal Would Put More People Back to Work, Including Teachers, First Responders, Veterans, and Construction Workers, and Put More Money in the Pockets of Working Families

Bipartisan Package Would Create Jobs Immediately and Won’t Add a Dime to the Deficit

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Frederica Wilson (FL-17) today expressed strong support for the Americans Jobs Act, a bipartisan proposal put forth by President Obama before a Joint Session of Congress to get our nation working again.

“Tonight, President Obama put forth a set of common-sense proposals to create new American jobs and get our nation back to work,” said Congresswoman Wilson. “Both Democrats and Republicans should come together to do what’s right for our country by passing the American Jobs Act and putting our country before politics.

“All of us, Democrats and Republicans, have constituents – teachers, first responders, veterans, and construction workers – who are desperate to get back on the job. How could anyone say no to them? These are bipartisan, middle of the road proposals that have received support from both parties in the past.

“We must also remember that we did not dig ourselves into this deep recession overnight and we can’t expect to solve our all problems in the blink of an eye. It took us eight long years to get us into this mess in the first place and it will take us longer than two and a half years to get out.”

“The President is committed to creating jobs of the future and rebuilding our economy the right way – based on fairness, hard work, responsibility, and opportunity – not through outsourcing, corporate loopholes, reckless financial deals, or special tax breaks for Big Oil and the wealthy.

“The time is now for Congress to put jobs first.”

President Obama’s plan is fully paid for by asking the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share and by closing corporate tax loopholes. As proposed, the American Jobs Act would:

  • Cut taxes for small businesses to help them hire and grow
  • Put more money in the pockets of working Americans
  • Put more people back to work – teachers laid off from state budget cuts, veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, first responders, and construction workers rebuilding our roads, bridges, and schools
  • Help the long-term unemployed support their families as they look for work