Pelosi Statement on President Obama’s Joint Session Address

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement tonight following President Obama’s address to a Joint Session of Congress on the American Jobs Act:

“Tonight, President Obama once again stated with great clarity his commitment to grow our economy and create jobs.  Now, Congress must act with great urgency.

“President Obama offered a clear path to help small businesses succeed and hire, provide tax relief for our workers, rebuild America, and provide aid to those who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own.  It will put Americans back to work and it will be paid for.  

“Republicans have a choice to either work with Democrats on the immediate need to create jobs or waste more time when American families are demanding action.  America’s middle class wants solutions that will create jobs.  President Obama has put forward a plan and Democrats are prepared to act.

“Democrats have put forward a back-to-basics, ABCs plan that fits squarely with the President’s speech tonight: Make It in America, build America, and address community recovery, all in a way that is respectful of both the public and private sector.  Now it’s time to take action, and that is why I have asked all House Committee Ranking Members to call on their Chairmen to schedule immediate hearings and action on the legislation proposed by the President.”