Mayor T.M. Franklin Cownie’s Statement on President Obama’s Tax Cuts for America’s Middle Class

Des Moines, IA – Mayor Cownie Issued the following statement in response to President Obama’s economic incentive package for America’s middle class families.
“I want to commend President Obama for his leadership in securing tax cuts for America’s middle class, extending unemployment benefits for the nation’s jobless, and providing important tax incentives for small businesses to create jobs. Preventing tax rates for the middle class from rising on January 1 and the payroll tax reduction that will take effect next year will put hard earned dollars back into family budgets in Des Moines and all across the country. While we know that the President did not want to extend these benefits to the nation’s wealthiest and therefore worsen the federal deficit, we also know that the perfect cannot be the enemy of the good. The nation and its middle class working families need relief now. President Obama has demonstrated his leadership by pulling together an economic package that the country desperately needs.”