President Obama hosted President Rousseff in Washington today to continue the on-going dialogue regarding the growing partnership between the United States and Brazil across a wide range of bilateral, regional, and multilateral issues.  The Presidents reviewed the progress made under the three presidential dialogues launched during President Obama’s March 2011 visit to Brazil – the Economic and Financial Dialogue, the Strategic Energy Dialogue, and the Global Partnership Dialogue.  The Leaders announced a new presidential-level Defense Cooperation Dialogue.  These Leaders also met with the U.S.-Brazil CEO Forum to continue efforts to grow commercial, economic, education, and innovation ties between our two countries.

The Leaders issued a Joint Statement highlighting the strength of the U.S.-Brazil partnership in many areas, including:

Economic, Financial, and Trade Partners
The United States and Brazil enjoy a vibrant bilateral economic relationship through enhanced trade, investment, and cooperation in the energy infrastructure, environment, and sustainable development arenas.  During President Rousseff’s visit, President Obama noted multiple initiatives that will broaden and deepen our trade and economic ties, further strengthening the relationship between the Western Hemisphere’s two largest democracies and economies.  The Presidents also reviewed the efforts of the Economic and Financial Dialogue. 

For more information on our economic, financial and trade partnership, visit:

Strategic Energy Partners
The United States and Brazil enjoy a rich energy partnership across a range of issues including oil and natural gas, biofuels, efficiency, and clean energy.  Consistent with his Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future, President Obama discussed common goals of developing safe, secure and affordable supplies of energy for economic growth, energy security, and the transition to a clean energy economy.  The U.S. and Brazilian governments will continue to work toward the goal of strengthening our energy relationship, increasing bilateral trade in energy-related goods and services, and enhancing national and shared energy security.

For more information on our energy partnership, visit:

Global Partners
The Presidents spoke at length about global developments and welcomed the continued progress of the Global Partnership Dialogue, including advancement of educational cooperation, scientific cooperation, and trilateral cooperation.  The Leaders noted their commitment to promote democracy, respect for human rights, cultural awareness, and social and economic inclusion around the world.

For more information on global developments, visit:

Defense Partners
The United States and Brazil have long enjoyed close defense and security ties.  On the occasion of President Rousseff’s visit to Washington, the Leaders agreed to elevate their defense relationship by launching a presidential-level Defense Cooperation Dialogue.  They noted the importance of the enhanced dialogue in enabling closer bilateral defense cooperation between our countries based on mutual respect and trust.  They also observed the DCD will provide a forum for exchanging views and identifying opportunities for collaboration on defense issues around the globe.