Today in Washington, President Obama and President Rousseff reviewed the accomplishments of the Global Partnership Dialogue (GDP), elevated to the Presidential level in March 2011, which strengthens U.S.-Brazil partnership across a range of global issues including the advancement of educational cooperation, scientific and technological cooperation, and multilateral and trilateral cooperation.  The GDP provides for engagement on key topics such as economic cooperation, non-proliferation, space security, cooperation in political-military affairs and efforts to combat translational crime, social inclusion and human rights, and hemispheric issues.  Secretary Clinton will join Foreign Minister Patriota in Brasilia on April 16 for the next meeting of the GPD.

Since President Obama’s visit to Brazil last March, the United States Brazil have significantly advanced our educational cooperation and our coordination of global issues.  The links below highlight examples of our joint progress and collaboration:

Fact Sheet on Trilateral Cooperation

  • The United States and Brazil have a long history of partnership in delivering development assistance to maximize resources to fight poverty.  Current initiatives work to improve health and food security in Africa, to combat child labor in Haiti, to partner on a trilateral basis with Bolivia on counternarcotics cooperation, and to promote biofuels in Central America, the Caribbean, and Africa. 

Fact Sheet on Education Cooperation

  • Presidents Obama and Rousseff have set complementary goals on education.  President Obama’s “100,000 Strong in the Americas” program has as its goal to increase the number of students from Latin America and the Caribbean studying in the United States and the number of U.S. students studying in these regions to 100,000 in each direction by 2020.  President Rousseff’s Science without Borders initiative aims to build and expand Brazil’s role as a global leader by sending 101,000 Brazilians to study in science and technology fields abroad in the next four years, with at least half attending U.S. academic institutions.  We recognize that the prosperity of our countries is intrinsically linked to the education of our people, and is enriched by academic experiences in other countries.

Fact Sheet on Cooperation on Space Issues

  • Our two countries recognize that we stand to gain from cooperation on space issues, given our extensive research and development (R&D) capacities, our long history of cooperation in civil remote sensing, space exploration, and other space activities, and the opportunity to strengthen the long-term sustainability of the space environment for future generations.  By working bilaterally and multilaterally on using outer space for civilian purposes, mitigating space congestion, and increasing our knowledge base via research and development, the United States and Brazil will deepen our strong and collaborative partnership.

Fact Sheet on Social Inclusion

  • President Obama and President Rousseff share a commitment to combat discrimination on account of race, gender, ethnicity, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) status; to advance gender equality; to fight exploitative child and forced labor; and promote human rights.  To this end, the United States and Brazil have identified and are executing a robust set of activities, and we are seeking to further deepen and institutionalize our cooperation. 

Fact Sheet on Health Cooperation

  • President Obama and President Rousseff are united in their desire to strengthen public health systems and to advance science and technology research, both in their own countries and around the world.  For several decades, the United States and Brazil have participated in a bilateral dialogue to discuss medical research, disease surveillance, and improving public health.  President Obama and President Rousseff have further advanced our bilateral health cooperation through the U.S.-Brazil Working Group on Public Health, under the U.S.-Brazil Joint Commission on Science and Technology.