The United States of America and the Russian Federation reaffirm their readiness to intensify bilateral cooperation based on the principles of mutual respect, equality, and genuine respect for each other’s interests.

Guided by this approach, today we reached an understanding on a positive agenda for relations between our countries that encompasses the strategically important issues of arms control, nonproliferation, international security, increasing trade and investment, responding to global threats and challenges, countering terrorism and militant extremism, and enhancing tries between our societies and people. This wide-ranging program of action requires enhanced engagement at all levels.

To strengthen the constructive nature of our relations, we intend to maintain regular contacts at the highest level, and to hold a U.S.-Russia summit in Moscow on September 3-4, 2013, to discuss in greater detail the full range of bilateral and international issues.

We have also decided to expand the dialogue between the U.S. Vice President and the Russian Prime Minister to address our joint agenda, including discussion of the development and diversification of trade and investment links, to promote the strengthening of relations and economic growth in both countries.

An understanding was reached on launching a regular dialogue in the “two plus two” format between foreign and defense ministers to address issues of strategic stability, international security, and shared threats to our countries.

With a view to intensifying cooperation in the security realm, we instructed the Security Councils of the United States and Russia to maintain a regular dialogue to discuss issues of mutual interest.

The Bilateral Presidential Commission will continue to play an important role in developing engagement in various areas. More than sixty U.S. and Russian government agencies currently take part in its activities. To complement the governments’ work on intensifying cooperation, we call on public and business communities in the United States and Russia to establish close links in the interest of bringing our countries closer together.

Expanding direct contracts between Americans and Russians, including through implementation of the bilateral Agreement on Simplifying Visa Formalities, which has been in force since 2012, will serve to strengthen mutual understanding and trust and make it possible to raise U.S.-Russian relations to a qualitatively new level.