• Terry Branstad, of Iowa, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the People’s Republic of China.
  • Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., of Florida, to be Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
  • Elaine L. Chao, of Kentucky, to be Secretary of Transportation.
  • Jay Clayton, of New York, to be a Member of the Securities and Exchange Commission for a term expiring June 5, 2021, vice Daniel M. Gallagher, Jr. (term expired).
  • Daniel Coats, of Indiana, to be Director of National Intelligence, vice James R. Clapper, Jr.
  • Elisabeth Prince DeVos, of Michigan, to be Secretary of Education.
  • David Friedman, of New York, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Israel.
  • Nikki R. Haley, of South Carolina, to be the Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations, with the rank and status of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, and the Representative of the United States of America in the Security Council of the United Nations.
  • Nikki R. Haley, of South Carolina, to be Representative of the United States of America to the Sessions of the General Assembly of the United Nations during her tenure of service as Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations.
  • John F. Kelly, of Virginia, to be Secretary of Homeland Security.           
  • Robert Lighthizer, of Florida, to be United States Trade Representative, with the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.
  • James Mattis, of Washington, to be Secretary of Defense.
  • Linda E. McMahon, of Connecticut, to be Administrator of the Small Business Administration, vice Maria Contreras-Sweet, resigned.
  • Steven T. Mnuchin, of California, to be Secretary of the Treasury.
  • Steven T. Mnuchin, of California, to be United States Governor of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, United States Governor of the African Development Fund, and United States Governor of the Asian Development Bank, vice Jacob Joseph Lew, resigned.
  • Steven T. Mnuchin, of California, to be United States Governor of the International Monetary Fund, United States Governor of the African Development Bank, United States Governor of the Inter-American Development Bank, and United States Governor of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development for a term of five years, vice Jacob Joseph Lew, resigned.
  • James Richard Perry, of Texas, to be Secretary of Energy.
  • Mike Pompeo, of Kansas, to be Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, vice John Owen Brennan.
  • Thomas Price, of Georgia, to be Secretary of Health and Human Services.
  • Scott Pruitt, of Oklahoma, to be Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Andrew F. Puzder, of Tennessee, to be Secretary of Labor.
  • Todd M. Ricketts, of Illinois, to be Deputy Secretary of Commerce.
  • Wilbur L. Ross, Jr., of Florida, to be Secretary of Commerce.
  • Jeff Sessions, of Alabama, to be Attorney General.
  • David J. Shulkin, of Pennsylvania, to be Secretary of Veterans Affairs.
  • Rex W. Tillerson, of Texas, to be Secretary of State.
  • Seema Verma, of Indiana, to be Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, vice Marilyn B. Tavenner.
  • Vincent Viola, of New York, to be Secretary of the Army, vice Eric Kenneth Fanning.
  • Ryan Zinke, of Montana, to be Secretary of the Interior.