WASHINGTON, DC – To honor the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. National Day of Service and Dr. King’s life and legacy, the President and Mrs. Obama, the Vice President, Cabinet Secretaries, and other senior administration officials participated in community service projects and events.  The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service is an opportunity for all Americans to come together to help meet the needs of their communities and make an ongoing commitment to service throughout the year.

The First Family participated in a service project at the DC Central Kitchen, which is also celebrating its 25th anniversary today.  They were joined by Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett. They served alongside volunteers including a number of veterans who have continued to serve in their community through programs and organizations such as DC Central Kitchen, AmeriCorps VISTA, The Mission Continues, Team RWB, Teach for America, and Team Rubicon.  The First Family and Ms. Jarrett prepared meals for distribution to shelters in the local area.

Also today, the Vice President delivered remarks at the National Action Network’s Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Breakfast. The Vice President then joined members of the Catholic Volunteer Network to serve hot lunch to guests at SOME (So Others Might Eat) in Washington, DC.

For more on the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. National Day of Service, please visit the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) at www.serve.gov/mlkday.

On January 20th, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Cabinet Members will participate in the Day of Service in the Washington, DC area.   Events include the following: 

  • Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew will serve by sorting and packing clothing for homeless veterans at the VA Medical Center in Washington, DC with American University Students and Public Allies (an AmeriCorps program);
  • Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker will serve food at Food and Friends, a local organization that prepares and delivers meals and groceries to people living with HIV/AIDS, cancer, and other life-challenging illnesses in the DC metropolitan area;
  • Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx will speak at the National Action Network’s Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Breakfast in Washington, DC;
  • Secretary of Education Arne Duncan will join CityYear corps members and local volunteers at Coolidge High School;
  • Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki will volunteer at SOME (So Others Might Eat);
  • Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency Gina McCarthy will serve at the Marvin Gaye Community Greening Center;
  • Ambassador Michael Froman and White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough will participate in Family and Community Fun Day alongside veterans and community members at Dunbar High School;
  • ONDCP Director Kerlikowske will serve at Clean and Sober Streets (C&SS), a 120-bed residential community in the Federal City Shelter Complex in Washington, DC;
  • Peace Corps Acting Director Carrie Hessler-Radelet will visit with grade school children in collaboration with Little Friends for Peace, an award-winning organization centered on peace education; and
  • CNCS Director Wendy Spencer will participate in various service projects throughout Washington, DC.
  • In addition, on January 18th, Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell participated in a service project at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial.