WASHINGTON, DC – On Friday, January 22, the President will award National Medals of Science and National Medals of Technology and Innovation to 17 scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and innovators. Awarded annually, the Medal of Science recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to science, engineering, and mathematics. The National Medal of Technology and Innovation recognizes those who have made lasting contributions to America’s competitiveness and quality of life and helped strengthen the Nation’s technological workforce.

WHEN: Friday, January 22, 2:30 PM EST 

WHERE: East Room

MEDIA REGISTRATION: This event will be open press, but space is limited.  Members of the media who wish to cover this event must RSVP via the following link by 11:00 AM EST, Thursday, January 21: https://www.whitehouse.gov/webform/media-rsvp-president-obama-award-national-medals-science-technology-and-innovation

 Press not holding White House hard passes must also fill out the following form by the deadline for access to the White House complex: https://events.whitehouse.gov/form?rid=DHVW3GCYC2

***RSVPs do not guarantee access. If we are able to accommodate your request for credentials, you will receive a confirmation after the deadline to RSVP has passed with further instructions and logistical details.***