Read-out of the President’s conference call with Ambassador Eikenberry and General Petraeus as well as congratulatory call to Polish acting President and President-elect Komorowski

Earlier this afternoon, the President held a conference call with Ambassador Karl Eikenberry and General David Petraeus.  He congratulated General Petraeus on the change in command, underscored that his thoughts are with them and their teams on this holiday weekend, expressed his appreciation for their sacrifice, and reiterated the importance of our vital mission in Afghanistan.

President Obama also called acting President Komorowski to congratulate him on his election as President of Poland.  The President said that the resilience and resolve demonstrated by the people of Poland in the face of their unprecedented tragedy remains an inspiration to the world.  The United States and Poland are close allies and partner together around the world to promote freedom, security, and prosperity.  The President expressed appreciation for Poland’s contributions in Afghanistan and offered his condolences for Poland’s sacrifices in our allied effort there.  The President invited President Komorowski to visit Washington, and he looks forward to continued close cooperation with President Komorowski and the Polish government to address our common challenges in the years ahead.