President Salih called Assistant to the President John Brennan this morning to convey his regret for misunderstandings related to his public remarks that Israel and the United States have engaged in destabilizing activities in Arab countries.  President Salih also said that he is firmly committed to meaningful political reform in Yemen and that he is reaching out to opposition elements in an effort to achieve reform through a democratic, inclusive, and peaceful process. Mr. Brennan expressed appreciation for the call and said that any comments that seek to attribute blame for recent developments in the region are unhelpful, as they ignore the legitimate aspirations of people in the Arab world. Mr. Brennan encouraged President Salih to continue with his constructive outreach efforts and noted that opposition groups should respond positively to President Salih’s calls for dialogue with the government, as such engagement provides the best path to peaceful and meaningful political reform. Finally, Mr. Brennan reiterated President Obama’s repeated calls for all sides to pursue their interests in a nonviolent manner.