The President joined National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice’s meeting with EU High Representative Catherine Ashton at the White House on May 6.  During the meeting, they reaffirmed the shared U.S.-EU commitment to advancing the ongoing P5+1 negotiations with Iran and addressing the situation in Ukraine. 

On Iran, they agreed that a comprehensive solution must assure the international community that Iran’s nuclear program will be exclusively peaceful.  The President underscored his support for the ongoing negotiations, and the importance of building on the progress of the Joint Plan of Action to develop the type of comprehensive solution that can give the international community confidence that Iran is meeting its obligations. The President noted the importance of the United States and European Union continuing to coordinate closely with one another and the other members of the P5+1 as negotiations move forward.  

On Ukraine, they expressed continued U.S.-EU determination to support the government of Ukraine and to seek a diplomatic solution to the crisis.  They reiterated the need for Russia to live up to its Geneva commitments, including using its influence over  armed separatists who are destabilizing eastern Ukraine to get them to disarm and engage peacefully in Ukraine’s political process.  They agreed on the importance of the May 25 presidential elections, which will provide the Ukrainian people with a voice in the future of their country.   They also agreed on the importance of imposing additional costs on Russia, should it continue its efforts to destabilize Ukraine.  

Ambassador Rice also expressed condolences to the victims of the attack against the European Union delegation in Yemen and their families.