Office of the Press Secretary
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                         May 21, 2009

Readout on President Obama’s Meeting with President Kikwete of Tanzania

The President and President Kikwete met this afternoon and had a valuable discussion on a range of issues.  President Obama expressed his appreciation for the close bilateral relationship the United States shares with Tanzania.  President Kikwete and the President exchanged views on approaches to enhancing the U.S.–Tanzanian partnership, improving development policy in the fields of health, education, and agriculture, and working with other partners in the region to solve some of the most pressing conflicts on the African continent.  President Obama and President Kikwete expressed a desire to work together to solve common problems in the future.  This was the first African Head of State to visit President Obama at the White House.

To view a high resolution photo of the President’s meeting with President Kikwete of Tanzania, click HERE.