President Obama spoke with President Karzai today via video teleconference.  The two leaders spoke for approximately one hour and discussed a range of topics, including transition to Afghan security lead, our ongoing strategic partnership negotiations, and the Koran burning and the violence that followed in Afghanistan.  President Obama welcomed President Karzai’s March 22, 2011, announcement of the first tranche of provinces and municipalities to begin transition to Afghan lead.  The two leaders agreed on the importance of reestablishing peace in Afghanistan through progress on transition, an enduring U.S.-Afghan strategic partnership, and reconciliation.
Both leaders deplored the desecration of the Koran, strongly condemned the April 1 attack on UNAMA in Mazar-e-Sharif and expressed deep regret for the tragic loss of life.  The two Presidents were clear that to attack and kill innocent people is an affront to human decency and dignity.  Both leaders agreed that now is a time for our two nations to come together, in the pursuit of common values and common goals.