This afternoon, President Obama was briefed by FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate and National Hurricane Center Director Dr. Rick Knabb on the preparations underway for Tropical Storm Isaac, which the National Hurricane Center has projected could become a Category One hurricane later today. During the briefing, Administrator Fugate provided the President with an update on the resources FEMA has prepositioned along the Gulf Coast to support state and local officials as they prepare and begin to respond. Working with DOD, FEMA has set up Incident Support Bases in Jacksonville, FL and Montgomery, AL to proactively stage supplies closer to areas potentially affected by the severe weather. Additionally, FEMA has deployed response teams to Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, and Mississippi to support state and local officials and to work to make sure there are no unmet needs. The President directed Administrator Fugate to ensure that FEMA was prepared regardless of the ultimate strength and impact of the storm.
Following the briefing, the President convened a call with Alabama Governor Robert Bentley, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant, and New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu. On the call, the President asked Dr. Knabb and Administrator Fugate to provide the Governors and Mayor an update on the storm’s track as well as on the resources FEMA has to support their teams. The President made clear that he has directed Administrator Fugate to make sure the Governors have the resources they need as the storm approaches, and asked each Governor to identify additional needs if they arise.
On the call, the President also informed Governor Jindal that he had approved the Governor’s request for an Emergency Declaration for Louisiana ahead of Tropical Storm Isaac. The declaration builds on resources already deployed by FEMA and makes Federal funding available for certain emergency activities undertaken by the state to prepare for and respond to the storm.