This afternoon, the President spoke on a conference call with 25 bipartisan Governors about the ongoing federal government shutdown and its impact on state budgets and the broader economy.  The President was joined on the call by Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett, NEC Director Gene Sperling, Deputy OMB Director Brian Deese, and IGA Director David Agnew. The President reiterated that the brinksmanship strategy of shutting down the government and threatening default as a bargaining tactic is one that the country cannot afford. He argued that the prolonged shutdown is having adverse consequences on consumer confidence and businesses, and is hurting local economies across the country that rely on tourism at national parks and monuments. The President reiterated that he is prepared to negotiate on ways to grow the economy, create jobs, and address our nation’s long term fiscal health – but that we shouldn’t do this in a crisis atmosphere amidst a government shutdown and threat of default.