The President spoke today with Prime Minister Stefan Löfven of Sweden concerning the Ebola crisis.  The President congratulated the Prime Minister on his recent election and thanked him for Sweden’s generous contributions in response to the Ebola crisis.  President Obama encouraged Sweden to play a leading role in the international response and welcomed increased coordination between the United States and Sweden as we work together the control the epidemic.  The President and the Prime Minister agreed on the urgency of the crisis in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, and the need for all members of the international community to do more and to act quickly to address it.  The President and the Prime Minister also reviewed shared concerns such as the threat posed by ISIL, and achieving a peaceful solution to the conflict in eastern Ukraine, to include the need for an effective OSCE monitoring mission and a return of Ukrainian control on the Russia/Ukraine border, and full implementation by Russia of the Minsk ceasefire and peace plan agreements.