President Obama today met with Ambassador Princeton Lyman, his Special Envoy for Sudan, to discuss the status of mediation efforts to end the political and humanitarian crisis in Abyei and the humanitarian crisis and violence in Southern Kordofan.  

The President expressed deep concern over the violence and the lack of humanitarian access, and he underscored the urgent need to get back to cooperative negotiations to enable full and timely implementation of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement, including peaceful resolution of the future status of Abyei and the Two Areas.  

Ambassador Lyman updated the President on the recent meetings Secretary of State Clinton had with the parties during her trip to Africa.  President Obama told Ambassador Lyman he is following the situation closely and gave his full support to Ambassador Lyman’s work to press for a successful conclusion of the negotiations to achieve a withdrawal from Abyei and a cessation of hostilities across the region and to support the emergence of two viable states at peace.   

President Obama noted the important contributions towards peace made by Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and African Union Panel leader Thabo Mbeki.   

Special Envoy Lyman plans to return to the region this month to help translate political agreements into lasting and credible security arrangements.  In a message to Sudan’s leaders, the President said they must not throw away the opportunity to move toward the promise of greater peace and prosperity.