This afternoon, Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to the President, participated in a call with thousands of Americans who signed a We the People petition supporting a ban on assault weapons. Ms. Jarrett emphasized the President and Vice President’s support for reinstating the ban on assault weapons that Congress enacted in the 1990s and that sunsetted over a decade ago. She also applauded Congress for taking critical votes today, as a result of Senate Democrats’ filibuster last week, on other important, commonsense steps to reduce gun violence, specifically noting that the Administration supports Senator Feinstein’s approach to preventing suspected terrorists from being able to buy a gun, as well as Senator Murphy’s legislation to expand background checks to keep guns out of the wrong hands. She called on Congress to pass this legislation before taking yet another recess, and emphasized how important it is for Americans to make their voices heard to address the epidemic of gun violence in our country because, as the Vice President recently said, “enough has been enough for a long time.”
