Vice President Biden spoke this morning with Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who announced today his intention to resign as Prime Minister next week in expectation that a new government would be confirmed by the Ukrainian Parliament. The Vice President thanked Prime Minister Yatsenyuk for his partnership during a historic time for Ukraine. He congratulated the government of Ukraine on its accomplishments over the past two years, in particular on the strides it has made on difficult but necessary economic reforms, the signature of the European Union association agreement, and the work it has done to increase energy independence. The leaders agreed these changes must be irreversible and that continued progress is critical to securing a prosperous future for the people Ukraine. The leaders also agreed on the importance of assembling a new cabinet committed to implementing needed reforms, in particular those recommended by the International Monetary Fund and European Union. The Vice President commended Prime Minister Yatsenyuk for his tireless efforts on behalf of Ukraine and his intention to remain engaged in the process of pursuing these and other reforms needed to ensure the stability, prosperity, and territorial integrity of Ukraine.